resurgent artefacts
Iteration 1
was presented at atif khan’s curatorial show, my final prayer at Art Museum 2023. It was a collaborative physical installation between Gui, and two other artists: Abby Ho and Justine Wong and involves the presentation of three paper talismans hung around a rain shower speaker playing a discordant choral audio recording of the poem as read by all three artists. The poem text was installed in 8 ft by 3 ft vinyl on the adjacent wall as a written record.The installation brings together various forms of incantation and symbology to reflect on the elusive posture of memory.
The three paper talismans (each 8 ft by 3 ft) take their basic structure of head, belly and feet from Daoist talismans, of which there are many variations. In resurgent artefacts, the bellies of these talismans have been filled with each artist’s own negotiation with memory, anxiety, restlessness and grief. Vestiges of memory, debris and remnant are churned up in the talisman bellies. They reflect each artist’s own bellied responses to the poem-as-incantation. Whether or not these artefacts are being called up or pushed away, however, remains an intention known only to the artists themselves.

All photo documentation c/o Mike Tjioe

Paper Talismans, 8 ft by 3 ft, washi, natural dye, indian ink

Talisman by Justine Wong

Talisman by Jasmine Gui

Talisman by Abby Ho